If I were to be the recipient of TED, I would be grately honored. Trying to make a difference in the world is a great challenge, but even if you make the slightest difference or touch the lives of a few people, I know I did a swell job. I know that I myself can't make a whole lot of change in the world, but it never hurts to try to do so. Having people support you and your views will help you face the problem and all it entails.
Growing up in a small town, you are not exposed to some of the world's greatest problems. But you are exposed to a few problems that many people just overlook. I sometimes think that the little problems are potentially the big problems. Not many people think that way, so that is what I would try to change. I would try to get people to open their eyes and stop focusing on the problems that are right in front of their face. But to make them look deeper and realize that some things will never be changed and they need to leave it at that. Having said that, I believe turing your attention to things that are not so serious could help some.
For example, many citizens in a small town do not focus on the children running around the town. What I mean is they may think that they are having a good time in the sun. That may not always be the case. Sometimes I see 3 or 4 year old children walking around the town by themselves. What does that say about their home life, parents, and family? Why is a 3 or 4 year old child walking around the town on their own? They could so easily be kidnapped or hit by a car, not to mention possibly getting lost. These parents obviously think that just because it is a small town nothing can happen. We live in a huge world, and at anytime something unexpected can happen. I can not even imagine letting my 3 year old child go for a walk by themselves. Sometimes I even see them out at late evening. This is simply wrong and I would try everything in my power to change that. It makes me wonder what their home life is like and how they are treated by their parents. If the parents do not care about their children, I will. I would set up some kind of facility where these children can come to and interact with other children. This place would be a safe and fun environment for them, rather than walking out on the street or in the park alone. It would not cost anything for these children to come, and all children would be invited. This could be a place for children to go after school if they are not involved in sports or other extra curricular activities. Or it would be a place to go to when they have nothing else to do. This place would help prevent some of the trouble that kids can get into when they are out walking around the town alone.
I would feel so much better if I knew these children were in a safe place, making friends, and having fun. I believe it would open the eyes of some of the older citizens in the town who looked past these children. I would hope that people would want to volunteer their time to aid and watch over these children, because after all, they are the future.
love your pic. i also grew up in a small town, and i also think we need to make this world a better place for the children.